Wednesday, February 5, 2014

January 27


I hope everyone enjoyed their week. I have gone to the law library here at Albion to do some research. I have found out statistics that are very alarming.

How do you think it would feel if you found out you were sleeping with enemy? That’s what happened to me and it happens to 1 out of 3 women in the United States. Almost 1 of 2 women have experienced some psychological abuse, such as humiliation, name-calling, insults, etc., and one out of six women have been stalked by their intimate partner. This does not happen overnight, it sneaks up slowly. In the past five years, the number of victims seeking help has risen while the attacks have become ever more brutal.

Is your partner a present or future abuser? Here are some signs to look for:

1.       constantly checking up on you
2.       isolation by criticizing your friends
3.       putting a wedge between you and your family
4.       acting overly charming and false
5.       monitoring your social media accounts or any other social aspect of your life
6.       moving too fast and the relationship
7.       wine to control all the finances
8.       repeatedly putting you and your appearance down
9.       calling you names and otherwise generally insulting you
10.   not valuing your opinions
11.   always blaming you for what is wrong in the house or the relationship

Please trust your instincts! 99% of the time if he makes you uncomfortable or you notice the size, he is in fact an abuser. Seek help to get out of the relationship. The abuser is not always a man and victim is not always a woman. If you see yourself in this type of environment, you need to seek help before it is too late. 

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